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How To Get Urine Smell Out Of Bedding

In this article, we will discuss a common problem that many people face: how to get urine smell out of bedding. We will explore different methods and techniques that you can use to eliminate this unpleasant smell. Whether you’re dealing with a child’s accident or a pet’s mishap, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to tackle this issue effectively and ensure your bedding smells fresh and clean once again.

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Understanding the Urine Smell

The Science Behind Urine Odor

Urine odor can be unpleasant and challenging to remove from bedding. Understanding the science behind the smell can help you effectively eliminate it. Urine consists of chemicals and waste products, including urea, ammonia, and uric acid. When bacteria break down these compounds, they release volatile molecules that create the distinctive odor associated with urine.

Differentiating Fresh and Old Urine Smell

The first step in tackling urine smell in bedding is to determine whether it is fresh or old. Fresh urine will have a stronger, more pungent odor due to the higher concentration of volatile compounds. Old urine may not have a strong smell initially, but it can become more intense over time as bacteria continue to break down the compounds.

Factors that Contribute to Lingering Odor

Several factors can contribute to the lingering odor of urine in bedding. These include the type and amount of urine, the absorbency of the bedding material, and the level of moisture present. Additionally, humidity and temperature can affect the rate at which bacteria break down the compounds, prolonging the scent.

Immediate Steps to Take

Blotting the Urine

As soon as you notice urine on your bedding, it is essential to act quickly. Start by blotting the area with paper towels or a clean cloth to absorb as much urine as possible. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can spread the urine and make it more challenging to remove.

Using Absorbent Materials

After blotting, place absorbent materials, such as baking soda or cat litter, over the wet area. These materials will help absorb the remaining moisture and neutralize the odor. Leave them on for a few hours or overnight before vacuuming or removing them.

Avoiding Excessive Moisture

To prevent the urine from spreading further into the bedding, avoid using excessive moisture when trying to remove the smell. This means avoiding steam cleaners or saturating the area with liquid cleaners, as this can make the situation worse.

How To Get Urine Smell Out Of Bedding

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Natural Remedies

White Vinegar Solution

White vinegar is a versatile and effective natural remedy for eliminating urine odor. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray the affected area. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before blotting and allowing the bedding to air dry. The vinegar will help neutralize the odor, and its acidic properties will help break down the uric acid crystals.

Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture

A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be highly effective in removing urine odor. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the affected area and then pour hydrogen peroxide over it. Let it sit for a few hours before blotting and allowing the bedding to dry. Both ingredients work together to break down the urine compounds and eliminate the odor.

Lemon Juice and Water Spray

Lemon juice has natural deodorizing properties that can help eliminate urine smell. Mix fresh lemon juice with water in a spray bottle and spray it onto the bedding. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before blotting and air drying. The refreshing scent of lemon will help mask any remaining odor.

Commercial Products for Odor Removal

Enzyme-Based Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners are specifically designed to break down organic material, including urine. These cleaners contain enzymes that target and neutralize the odor-causing compounds. Follow the instructions on the product for the best results and ensure it is safe to use on your bedding.

Oxygenated Cleaners

Oxygenated cleaners are another option for removing urine odor from bedding. These cleaners release oxygen bubbles that help lift stains and eliminate odor. They are particularly effective on fresh urine and can be used following the instructions on the packaging.

Odor Neutralizers

Odor neutralizers are specifically formulated to eliminate unpleasant smells, including urine odor. These products work by chemically reacting with the odor molecules to neutralize them, rather than simply masking the smell. Choose an odor neutralizer suitable for bedding and follow the instructions provided.

How To Get Urine Smell Out Of Bedding

Best Practices for Bedding Cleaning

Proper Washing Techniques

When washing bedding to remove urine odor, it is essential to use the proper techniques. Start by pretreating the stained area with a stain remover before washing. Use the hottest water recommended for the fabric and add a laundry detergent designed to eliminate odors. Avoid using fabric softeners or dryer sheets, as they can leave residues that trap the urine odor.

Using Appropriate Detergents

Choosing the right detergent can make a significant difference in effectively removing urine odor from bedding. Look for detergents formulated to eliminate odors and stains, particularly those targeted towards pet urine. These detergents contain specific enzymes and ingredients that break down urine compounds and remove the associated smell.

Taking Precautions with Urine-Resistant Bedding

If you have urine-resistant bedding, such as mattress protectors or covers, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning. Use mild detergents and avoid harsh chemicals or bleach, as these can damage the waterproof or urine-resistant properties of the bedding.

Preventing Future Odors

Using Waterproof Mattress Protectors

To prevent urine odor from penetrating your mattress, consider investing in a waterproof mattress protector. These covers create a barrier between your mattress and any fluids, including urine. They are easy to clean and can be machine washed to eliminate any odors.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your bedding can help prevent urine odor from becoming a recurring issue. Follow a consistent cleaning routine, including washing bedding regularly, spot cleaning stains as soon as possible, and regularly vacuuming mattresses.

Addressing Underlying Issues

If urine odor in bedding becomes a persistent problem, it may be necessary to address any underlying issues. This can include addressing medical conditions that may be causing frequent urination, ensuring adequate bathroom breaks for pets, or seeking professional advice for managing incontinence.

How To Get Urine Smell Out Of Bedding

Professional Cleaning Services

When to Seek Professional Help

If home remedies and cleaning techniques have failed to remove urine odor from your bedding, it may be time to seek professional help. Professional cleaning services have access to specialized equipment, cleaning solutions, and expertise needed to effectively eliminate tough odors.

Choosing a Trusted Cleaning Service

When choosing a professional cleaning service, do your research to ensure they are reputable and experienced in dealing with urine odor removal. Read reviews, ask for recommendations, and inquire about their cleaning methods and products to ensure they are safe for your bedding.

Understanding the Cleaning Process

Before hiring a professional cleaning service, it is essential to understand the cleaning process they will use. Ask about the techniques and products they will employ to remove urine odor and ensure they are thorough in their approach.


Getting rid of urine odor from bedding can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and techniques, it is possible. By understanding the science behind the smell, implementing immediate steps to remove the urine, using natural remedies or commercial products, following best practices for bedding cleaning, and taking preventive measures, you can keep your bedding fresh and odor-free. If the odor persists, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to ensure a thorough cleaning and elimination of the urine smell. With these strategies in place, you can enjoy a clean and comfortable sleeping environment without any lingering odors.

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